In software industry, appraisal is one of most hyped topic and in context of Indian organizations it is even worse. I believe it could be a net resultant of multiple factors including delivery pressure, demand & supply, retention pressure, maintaining attrition rate, growth targets, dramatic rise & fall of the market etc.
Appraisal also happens to be one of the most talked about topic among employees. It is even more apparent for people who are relatively new to their profession. When I say relatively new it can be up to 5-7 odd years of experience, consistently, in the same field or to put it simply until the person feels that (s)he is settled.
As an after effect, Appraisal is likely to bring discontent, disbelief, frustration, more gossips, probably a decision to start looking for newer/better opportunities and/or many other mixed feelings.
Well no one can change the past, but we can certainly introspect some of the possible ways of preventing those mixed feelings!
To do that, let us make a genuine effort, to unfold some of the basic aspects...
# 1 What does appraisal really mean to you?
- Is it pay hikes (annual increments) and/or associated bonus (if applicable)?
- Is it promotions and does promotion mean a higher/attractive label or is it higher responsibility?
- Is it a process (ritual) that is mandatory as per organization norms, and you have to attend?
- Is it an opportunity to present what you have achieved and/or done differently in the recent past (appraisal period)?
- Is it an opportunity to present list of (definite) items where you need some support/help/guidance?
- Is it an opportunity to discuss and revisit your aspirations?
- Is it an opportunity to discuss and understand from seniors what could be done differently?
- Is it an opportunity to realign your goals and set newer, more challenging, targets?
As Step 1, it is very important for you to be aware what exactly are you betting upon!
Moving forward, You should have a good understanding about
- the state of market in the recent past + state of your organization
- the appraisal cycles, associated norms and when they occur etc PLUS
- your function, role you play and associated responsibilities
- acceptable quality standards for work product, set benchmarks etc AND
- various activities you have performed/delivered in the recent past
Let us proceed, Assuming you are aware of all the items above, then the next critical aspect is
# 2 Are you serious about appraisal
- Do you feel lethargic/obligated/confused while filling the form?
- How much time (days/weeks) do you take to fill in the appraisal form?
- How many reminders are needed to submit the form?
- Does your other activities act as a deterrent (excuse) for the delay?
- Do you always have something more important on the plate, thus filling the appraisal form takes lesser priority?
- Does it happen that on the last day you have queries on how to go about filling the form?
- Do you give sufficient time (justice) to fill the form?
- Do you consult with peers about how they have approached certain sections in the form - is the process a collective wisdom?
- Do you often manipulate answers or keep some (most) of the answers open ended?
- Do you have to take additional efforts to make the form look good?
- Does it happen that you need to revisit and make some corrections in the already filled form?
- Do you believe that appraisal is about you, your career, your aspirations?
I don't think you need a pundit to help you figure the answers for the above.If most of the answers for item 1 to 11 is 'yes' or 'may be', then probably you need some work to actually reach to a level where you have self belief and thus be appraisal ready!
Whenever you are ready, we can further introspect
- What is appraisal and how easy it can be
- Some typical norms associated with appraisal
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